
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back, standing still, moving forward ...

Hello, my friends!

In any given year there are challenges and joy. Our job is to focus on the joy and figure out how to make it through the challenges so we can find pleasure in the things we do, the people we meet, and the dreams that guide us.

I definitely had my difficulties this past year, both professionally and personally, but one thing I know is if I hadn't, I would not have rediscovered my love of photography. I would not have published The Stroll every week for an entire year! I would not have found Kim Klassen who so gently helped me learn Photoshop and find the love to continue playing and experimenting with it.

I can credit those who challenged me because they gave me cause to find something to ground myself, to believe in, to use as a creative outlet. So looking back, I have shot thousands of images, processed many with textures. I have made new friends through the Flickr community and I have pursued getting some of my images in a local gallery/gift shop. Recently, have set up an Etsy shop where I will make some of my images and greeting cards available. I will continue to add items, so do check in from time to time to see what's new.

This is one of my prized images that I took while on a stroll with my Flickr friend, Juli earlier this week along Clear Creek in Golden, Colorado. I can't even begin to compare my talent to Ansel Adams, but I like to think this is a shade of his style. As I stand still and reflect I realize while taking the time to practice, shoot whenever the muse takes my hand, and receive wonderful feedback from my friends, I am getting better. Looking through a lens has helped me look at life differently. There is beauty in everything, even the dying flowers, brush, and trees of winter. Unpleasant things can help us move in a different direction, a direction that is likely more appropriate.

As I look forward I chose to view the horizon full of possibilities. I'm confident I will find a new job, one that I can be happy and fulfilled in for a while. Photography will remain my spiritual grounding process. And I will continue to learn new things along the way. I've already begun watching the Adobe Illustrator tutorials on lynda.com. I will begin the new year in two inspiring classes: Kim Klassen's Beyond Layers and Ali Edwards' One Little Word 2012. My word is ABUNDANCE. Abundance comes in many shapes and sizes. I know this already, but I'm looking forward to discovering more. More friends, more money, more joy! It can't get much better than that!

With these thoughts, I will leave you with a couple images I caught yesterday on my evening walk with Kobi. Closing the year with the beauty of the waning sun and winterscapes.

What do you see when you look back? What reflections when you stand still? And what will you look forward to as you ring in the new year?

Happy New Year to all!


  1. You've got a wonderful eye for composition, Lissa, and it's a pleasure watching you continue to expand your photographic horizons. Shooting little things helps make one see the big picture. Enjoy the coming year.

  2. That black and white is just breathtaking! There's a "word of the year" hop you may want to check out. See my blog entry today for details. Happy New Year!

  3. Oh my Lissa. Ansel Adams is right. Amazing.

    So happy to have 'met' you! Love and blessings to you and yours in 2012.



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