
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Stroll November 6, 2011

Here is the November 6, 2011 issue of The Stroll: Observations While Out Walking (and sometimes driving). 

Yep, I’m late ... but I decided not to just skip an issue, so here you go.

I did two hikes last weekend totaling almost 8 miles. It feels good to be able to add the distance and it’s exciting to see the land that surrounds me from a different perspective as I stood far from the roads that carry me to work and back home.


Thanks so much for taking time to smell the roses and wander this land of ours with me. ;->


  1. Nice rainbow shot! And every step you take, you are one step closer to Camino goal! Yeah! I am so excited for you!

  2. This is wonderful Lissa, and congratulations on 8 miles!


I'm so glad you stopped by! Hope you'll leave a message so I know you were here. I love to hear from my visitors. ;->