
Friday, November 9, 2012

Sometimes the Best Things are Free

Earlier this year I chose abundance as my word for Ali Edwards' One Little Word. I haven't kept up with the class, but I my awareness of the word has lodged in my mind and I am paying attention.

This week abundance came in the form of free. I receive notifications for a list called Freecycle in which you can give and get all things free. I don't always read the postings, but last week I noticed a swing on the list and responded only to learn that it had been spoken for. Then a surprise came ... I got an email that it wasn't picked up and was I still interested. Ah yes, I was interested. In fact, I had been thinking for some weeks that I would like a swing.

I went to get it ... disassembled it so I could fit all the pieces in my Toyota Corolla. A couple days later, I assembled it with only a minor panic that I couldn't remember how all the pieces went back together.

While it does need reupholstering, the best part was relaxing in it with my sweet Kobiboy!

And the view is exquisite. Yeah.

Unfortunately, the next couple of days won't be swing days. We will be getting snow!!

I also received an unexpected gift in the mail simply for spending some time and commenting on Jill Salahub's blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray -- a book, Broken Open, that had been suggested by her as well as a friend of mine. I was overwhelmed by Jill's generosity. It's wonderful to be the recipient of such thoughtfulness.

Lots to be grateful for. I'm counting my blessings.

Oh, and an afterthought ... I saw a ring-necked pheasant today! Ran across the road, a main thoroughfare ... no, didn't fly, ran. I had to brake not to hit him. His colors were so brilliant. I wish I could have caught a picture, but sometimes that's just not possible. I'd never seen one before, so it was quite the treat.


  1. LOVE the swing. We use to have a hammock in the backyard of our old house and I miss that. So peaceful to sit outside and stare up at the trees and the sky.

  2. What a great find! Looks like Kobi owns it already. :)

  3. What a great swing to find and certainly the perfect price! Let me know how the book is.... always on the lookout for a new and good book

  4. Love the picture of the swing with Kobi in it and how the sunlight shines through the top creating a halo-type effect.

  5. I've never head of Freecycle. Very cool! Love all the ways your word came through for you recently!

  6. It sounds like blessings are flowing your way.


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