
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Remembering Mom ...

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Picture taken 1962; doing her favorite thing in all the world
Phyllis J. Forbes lived 1921 - 1996

My mom returns as the seasons circle 'round.
Bringing me messages to keep going on.
Encouraging me each day.

She was always there to show support.
Ballet, dance, songs, and swimming.
She wanted to see me do well.

She kept me warm and kept me fed.
Made sure I went to school and made my bed.
She made sparkling celebrations of the holidays.

When my kids came along, she gave them gifts and hugs.
She introduced them to ice cream cones and sand castles.
She loved to watch them grow.

Oddly, I hear her better than ever I did,
and I miss her more now since she's been gone.
May she forgive me for not getting it then.

Today is a day to be grateful
for Moms and hugs and love.
To celebrate those here and gone
by remembering all the good.


  1. A beautiful tribute to your mom. I know you miss her terribly. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  2. Lissa - This is beautiful! I hope you enjoyed your day!

  3. Beautiful tribute to your mom! Happy belated Mother's Day!!


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