
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Experimentation and a celebration

Yesterday was a good day after all.

I have found myself rather reclusive. I vacillate between wanting to get out and get involved and hunkering down in my chair with my laptop. When I do the latter, it's fun to experiment with InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

A major part of yesterday I worked on this flyer. It started out as an exercise in creating a logo in Illustrator that came to me during the night. I have no idea what it means, but I'm learning to follow the inklings. Before I knew it, I was moving from logo to flyer. There is no conscious intention except to be creative and see what I could come up with. This is not a real event.

Texture used on the image thanks to Shadowhouse Creations.

As I worked on this creation, I swung the pendulum to and fro as to whether I would actually attend Rachel's graduation from high school. It really wasn't about whether I wanted to go or not, it was just a mood thing--more about being out in the world. She is Bill's daughter and more often he extends offers that I'm welcome to come to family gatherings. In recent times, I've begun to accept these offerings of inclusion. For a very long time I didn't want to infringe on his family time, so I declined.

At the bewitching hour, I finally decided I would go. I wanted to honor Rachel's accomplishment, not that I expected any less--of course, she would graduate. There was no doubt. Afterward, we all went out for dinner to The Cheesecake Factory and it was a really nice celebration. There were seven of us including Rachel's boyfriend and brother, Scott, and Bill and his wife, Gail. It's good to have come so far in the evolution of a blended family. I am so grateful and count my blessings.

So, this is an effort to design a composite of some photos I took after the graduation. Certainly, not all the significant images, but after spending much time working on a layout, I decided less was more. Rachel has matured into a delightful young lady and I'm sure she will go on to accomplish great things.

I really must remember to come out of my hermitage more often.


  1. I love the curves that separate the images from each other or from the text. Beautiful work, Lissa.

  2. Nice flyer! I love designing things like that; used to be part of my job a decade ago. And thanks for insights about being part of a blended family. I'm working on being better at that. Some days it's easy, but not always.

  3. That's a beautiful flyer! It's a shame it's not a real event - sounds like it would be wonderful!! Love the collage of the photos - congrats to the graduate and I'm glad you decided to go!

  4. Lissa - Love that you decided to engage! The workshop would be a wonderful offering if you feel inspired!

  5. Your flyer is fantastic Lissa!
    I have played with Illustrator a bit, but I have such a long way to go, and it's one of those "so many things I want to do, and so little time" things.
    Glad you went to Rachel's graduation. Bet she is too!

  6. Thanks for stopping by the blog :-) Your creativity is showing with those cool curves compositions - really like 'em a lot!!

    Congrats to the grad ---

  7. If it were a real event. . . I would attend it. :)

    So glad you were able to get out. The lighting in the pics is beautiful!

  8. Lovely flyer and glad that you decided to go to the celebration. Sometimes it is hard to come "out of hiding".


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