
Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Chance Meeting

Last Wednesday, I took Kobi for a walk in a new neighborhood. I found beauty and cute faces. Pink blossoms and puppy dog noses. Smiles and love.

This little Terrier and another pup stuck their snouts through the fence to say hello to Kobi. They wagged their tails and Kobi returned the happy greeting.

The blossoms say Spring is here as the warm weather helped them open up, but there's a chill in the air today, so I'm inside catching up. Watching lots of movies. Reading and figuring out what's next.

Then I saw a young boy and this Goldendoodle pup. As the young fellow stopped to say hello to a neighbor, I clicked away and even as his pup was wiggling, I caught this wonderful image with my Blackberry.

And another while the boy went to get his mom, so I could ask for an email address so I could send the images to them. It was a wonderful encounter that still makes me smile. He was so animated, articulate, and respectful. I found it refreshing.


  1. Lissa, you gave his parents [and him] a photo for the ages--something they and he will appreciate all their lives, I expect. Bravo!!!

  2. Amazing photos, each and every one, but the one with Matthew is awesome. So glad is parents have it.

  3. Absolutely adorable! I love the connections you are making!


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